Tips for Choosing the Right Cat Food in Singapore

cat food singapore

On the hunt for the best food for your feline friend? 


Being a first-time cat owner can make the process a lot more challenging. The grocery aisle is lined with tons of options, so it can be overwhelming. Where do you start? What should you look for? 


Believe it or not, cats are pickier than dogs when it comes to food. The texture, smell, and taste of food matter a lot to them. In this post, we list down a few tips to help you choose the right cat food in Singapore.


1. Look for nutritional guarantees.

Compare cat food options in Singapore the same way you’d weigh your dietary choices. 


Cats require vitamins and minerals, such as protein. Sources can vary, but since cats are carnivores, meat can’t be out of the list. That doesn’t mean, however, that their diet should be all meat. 


Cats also need fruits, vegetables, and high-quality carbohydrates. Scan the labels and see as well if there are nutritional guarantees. 


2. Decide between dry or wet cat food.

The main difference between dry and wet cat food is their moisture level or water content. If your cat has health conditions that require more water intake, they may benefit more from wet food. If you’re looking for odorless or less messy food, dry options may be ideal.


Dry cat food also tends to have a longer shelf life. It’s made with starches, which is why it’s also higher in carbohydrates. This can be good if your cat is extremely active as they can burn down the energy. 


If you’re going with wet canned food, be sure to store any leftovers properly. Otherwise, they’d go bad quickly and your cat will no longer be able to eat them. 


Depending on your cat’s needs, you may also combine both dry and wet cat food in Singapore.


3. Consider your cat’s age.

You’ll likely notice that cat food is divided into three options – kitten, adult, and senior. 


While you may be tempted to choose food depending on your furry friend’s birth date, it helps to consult with a veterinarian first. 


Your cat may need to advance to the next food stage sooner than you thought. Overall, the differences in the types of food can be likened to human food. 


Food for senior cats is easier to chew, while food for adult cats contains fewer calories.


4. Check customer reviews.

Look into reviews shared by your fellow cat owners. If your cat has specific needs, see what other fur parents recommend. 


You don’t have to pick the most expensive option, unless it’s the most suitable for your cat, as backed by your veterinarian. 


You can also choose smaller cans to see your cat’s response first.


The right cat food isn’t the same for all feline pets

Buying cat food in Singapore doesn’t have to be a complex and budget-draining journey. Sure, it can be tough. But once you get to know your furry friend better, it’ll be a lot easier. Bonus tip: look for trusted cat food online stores in Singapore that offer rebates for purchases. 


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